Hi All,

In the next 12 to 20 hours we will be broadcasting to every mailing list we can think of that registration and abstract submission are open for BCC2020.  This will drive a lot of people to look at training topics when that happens.

If you have the time, please review the description, time, instructors, and anything else related to your sessions, and send me any revisions.  If you are feeling ambitious, you can also review the registration forms (but don’t submit!) for your sessions as well.

Also, we are going to send out invites to the schedule site shortly.  If you are on this mailing list then you should also be getting an invite.  The invite allows you to login and change your personal details (and maybe your session details too).

Finally, some of your sessions have attendance capped, but most do not.  Now would be a good time to let us know if you would like to have your session capped.

Thanks again for doing this,

Dave C & Simon G
