Hello Trainers and instructors, Apologies for yet another email, however there was a mistake in the session times for the platform training for instructors. Please see the table below for the alterations. The corrected times have been highlighted. Cheers, Simon G and Dave C. Training Session Times: In the Western Hemisphere: Date Time Central Europe UK East Coast US West Coast US Wed 8th July 5pm 4pm 11am 8am Wed 8th July 11pm 10pm 5pm 2pm Mon 13th July 5pm 4pm 11am 8am Mon 13th July 11pm 10pm 5pm 2pm In the Eastern Hemisphere: Date Time Aus East Coast Aus West Coast India UK Wed 8th July 5pm 3pm 12:30pm 8am Mon 13th July 5pm 3pm 12:30pm 8am -- Simon Gladman | Bioinformatician Melbourne Bioinformatics 187 Grattan Street, The University of Melbourne | Victoria 3010 Australia T +61 3 9035 5822 | M 0418 421 077 Mail: simon.gladman@unimelb.edu.au Web: http://www.melbournebioinformatics.org.au