2020/05/14 (or 15): Email update

Hello BCC2020 Instructors! It’s been a few weeks since our last email: We now have only 2 open slots in the BCC West training schedule. This means we have a lot of new instructors on the list, so this update will repeat some earlier information. bcc2020.sched.com You should have received an email inviting you to login and edit your profile. Please do log in and add a pic and maybe even a biography. Let us know if you haven’t received an invite. Instructor Gitter Channel There is one! <https://gitter.im/bcc2020/Instructors> Please send us your GitHub (or GitLab or Twitter) ID, and we’ll add you. This is a good place for discussion. Registration As an instructor, you will need to register for the conference, but your registration for training, and all other events, is free. To register, please use this link: https://bcc2020-register.eventbrite.com?discount=BCC2020-Instructor-0087 And please don’t redistribute that. Cap your participants? We can limit the number of tickets for any training session, and have done that for 5-6 sessions already. Please let us know if you want participation capped. Advertise! We encourage you to advertise your session. If you are on Twitter, please use the hashtag #BCC2020. We also encourage using/referencing @OBF_BOSC and #UseGalaxy. Instruction Platform We have not decided this, and we likely won’t decide this until June. Thanks for everything, Dave C and Simon G
participants (1)
Simon Gladman