onboarding ESG training materials in EOSC Portal

Dear all, Just received an update about my inquiry on how to onboard the ESG training materials. Please see below the thread, in essence we might need to attend the webinars in early September and follow the soon-to-be-finalised procedure. Will come back with details when I obtain them. Regards, Catalin ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: cosimo.vallo <cosimo.vallo@lifewatch.eu> Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2023 at 12:28 Subject: Re: Learning / Training materials in EOSC Portal To: Catalin Condurache <catalin.condurache@egi.eu> Cc: "André Manuel Monteiro Vieira" <andre.vieira@usdb.uminho.pt>, "Pedro Miguel Oliveira Bento Príncipe" <pedro.principe@usdb.uminho.pt>, Iryna Kuchma <iryna.kuchma@eifl.net>, S Venkataraman <s.venkataraman@openaire.eu> Dear Catalin thank you very much for your message, and apologies for the delayed reply. Kindly note that WP9 is currently finalizing the documentation and a step-by-step guide for resources onboarding and we will then also present the workflows in two webinars in early september. You will have all answers by then. I hope this timeframe works for you. Kind regards <http://www.lifewatch.eu> *Cosimo Vallo * Training Officer *koz_wallo * +393208678632 cosimo.vallo@lifewatch.eu <name.surname@lifewatch.eu> *www.lifewatch.eu <http://www.lifewatch.eu>* ---- On Fri, 14 Jul 2023 10:24:13 +0200 *Catalin Condurache <catalin.condurache@egi.eu <catalin.condurache@egi.eu>>* wrote --- Dear Andre, Cosimo, I wonder whether you have any updates for me? Thank you, Catalin On Wed, 5 Jul 2023 at 18:44, Catalin Condurache <catalin.condurache@egi.eu> wrote: Dear André, Thank you for your reply and explanations. I look forward to hearing from you or Pedro and Cosimo. Best, Catalin On Mon, 3 Jul 2023 at 17:43, André Manuel Monteiro Vieira < andre.vieira@usdb.uminho.pt> wrote: Dear Catalin, Many thanks for your contact and interest to onboard the project training resources in EOSC. I’m forwarding your email to our colleagues Pedro and Cosimo from T9.3, as we are starting some work in order to deploy a new procedure to onboard resources from catalogues as from your project. At the beginning of T9.3 activities we started to work with some pilots, ELIXIE Tess included, and now we are planning to work with them again, in order to find and test a solution to onboard their resources with an automatic procedure. @Cosimo, can we include this project as one of the pilots? Best, [image: logo_aenor] *André Vieira* Gabinete de Gestão de Informação Científica, Repositórios e Ciência Aberta Universidade do Minho - Unidade de Serviços de Documentação e Bibliotecas (USDB) Campus de Gualtar, 4710 - 057 Braga - Portugal Telefone +351 253 604 988 http://www.sdum.uminho.pt [image: social-046_facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/BibliotecasUM> [image: social-078_instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/bibliotecas_uminho/> [image: social-043_twitter] <https://twitter.com/bibliotecasUM> [image: social-058_youtube] <https://www.youtube.com/c/BibliotecasUM> *From:* Catalin Condurache <catalin.condurache@egi.eu> *Sent:* 28 June 2023 13:48 *To:* André Manuel Monteiro Vieira <andre.vieira@usdb.uminho.pt> *Subject:* Learning / Training materials in EOSC Portal Dear Andre, I need your assistance on a specific matter. I am part of EuroScienceGateway project in Task 2.1 'Integration of EuroScienceGateway in EOSC', and the partners are discussing how ESG can become more visible in the EOSC Marketplace. For example there are many learning/training materials accumulated so far ( https://training.galaxyproject.org/ and https://tess.elixir-europe.org/), and ESG would like to make them visible in the Marketplace. What has to be done? A simple answer I assume is to onboard one by one each of these resources (on behalf of an existing onboarded Provider I assume). Is this the only way? or should it be possible to onboard the entire https://training.galaxyproject.org/ portal at once? Please let me know what you think. I will not attend the next EPOT meeting as I am on leave. Thank you, Catalin -- Catalin CONDURACHE | Senior Service Delivery Officer | EGI Foundation (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) W: www.egi.eu | E: catalin.condurache@egi.eu EGI: Advanced Computing for Research The EGI Foundation is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 certified -- Catalin CONDURACHE | Senior Service Delivery Officer | EGI Foundation (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) W: www.egi.eu | E: catalin.condurache@egi.eu EGI: Advanced Computing for Research The EGI Foundation is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 certified -- Catalin CONDURACHE | Senior Service Delivery Officer | EGI Foundation (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) W: www.egi.eu | E: catalin.condurache@egi.eu EGI: Advanced Computing for Research The EGI Foundation is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 certified -- Catalin CONDURACHE | Senior Service Delivery Officer | EGI Foundation (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) W: www.egi.eu | E: catalin.condurache@egi.eu EGI: Advanced Computing for Research The EGI Foundation is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 certified
participants (1)
Catalin Condurache