26 Aug
26 Aug
7:22 a.m.
Hi Anika, here is the link to the deliverable D3.1 - Operations documentation on the Open Infrastructure deployment: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GXgjboom07w8bAnGpEhbUwn0ubunuZuf already reviewed by Sebastian (in cc, whom I warmly thank for his help). Can you please do a general overview of the deliverable and let us know whether something needs to be improved before the final submission (due August 31st)? When (and if) you think it's ready for submission, please fill out the "Actual Submission Date" field. Just one last question: who's to submit the deliverable to the Europa portal? it's you? me? someone else? I thank all the contributors and in particular Marco for his huge effort. Best regards, Stefano