Hi Maiken, we usually meet on zoom every first Tueday of the month, 10am to 11am CEST. This month, since the 1st November is holiday in many partner’s countries, we postponed it to Wednesday 2nd at 10am. The agenda will be shared soon. Kind regards, Marco
Il giorno 31 ott 2022, alle ore 09:26, Maiken Pedersen <maiken.pedersen@usit.uio.no> ha scritto:
Thanks for the inclusion to the email-list.
Could I also have the calendar invites to WP3's montly meetings?
Thanks! Maiken
On 27/10/2022, 10:02, "esg-wp3-request@lists.galaxyproject.org" <esg-wp3-request@lists.galaxyproject.org> wrote:
Welcome to the "Esg-wp3" mailing list!
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