Dear all, We will have our regular meeting next Tuesday 06th of December at 10 am CET on zoom: https://uni-freiburg.zoom.us/j/62379065591?pwd=TlVRTjd4emw2a1ROVUtuZzdGYjBzQ... <https://uni-freiburg.zoom.us/j/62379065591?pwd=TlVRTjd4emw2a1ROVUtuZzdGYjBzQT09> Here a tentative agenda for the meeting: Update for task 3.1 and 3.5 Task 3.2 presentation by Mirek AOB: Change from Zoom to Teams for TCs Deputy Work Package Leader needed Reschedule next meeting, currently scheduled for January 3rd 2022 Of course, feel free to add new topics to the agenda. Please remember to sign yourselves to tasks progress documents. Kind regards, Marco Task 3.1 - Develop and maintain an Open Infrastructure based deployment model for Pulsar endpoints <https://docs.google.com/document/d/11hQHe-IajYGIx3-Aho4XOXKu2tqIS49XNcTl7ywxwA4/edit?usp=sharing> Task 3.2 - Add GA4GH Task-Execution-Service (TES) API to Pulsar <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OuyT639KDVm4hC7-pk8MY45MErrQuGxDy_MtVsuvLRc/edit?usp=sharing> Task 3.3 - Build an European-wide network of Pulsar sites <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d-7WMn2RZEd_5gRsbGdAPsoR5wymDM6HX_7C-3HYKPw/edit?usp=sharing> Task 3.4 - Add TES support to WfExS (Workflow Execution Service) <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zh5lv_E97Yx5CAEJNYLYOeuZkJtOtav1tb9bHnJ4KdY/edit?usp=sharing> Task 3.5 - Developing and maintaining national or domain-driven Galaxy servers <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-Pgu4_ySKa0uvTflS4oJ9jH6GvJVujjqDTR3H1J11_Y/edit?usp=sharing>