Dear all, thanks for joining the meeting yesterday and for helping in taking minutes. You may find the details of our discussion today here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-JhRZFWlIhywSinGnK035mHl2hvUXCR8v-V5dE1VXnA/edit?usp=sharing>. For the next meeting (10 Jan 2023) we would like to start tracking usegalaxy.* updates (Task 3.5), in order to identify possible problems (and start on fixing them). Some other highlights: Started work on updating terraform recipes, to match the new terraform version and VGCN image. The presentation on Task 3.2 fro Mirek can be found here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-JhRZFWlIhywSinGnK035mHl2hvUXCR8v-V5dE1VXnA/edit?usp=sharing>. ARC development moved in WP4, T4.3. Next meeting is scheduled for 10 January 2023 (please see the time change). I’ve also updated the WP3 readme file, pinned within our element group. Kind regards, Marco