Addendum. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83095358997?pwd=YUNBME1rNFdXUjA3SGdvdVpGS3hJZz09 Please let me know if you want to be part of the calendar invite. Best regards, Sebastian -- Sebastian Luna-Valero (he/him/his) | Cloud Community Support Specialist | EGI Foundation (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) W: www.egi.eu | E: sebastian.luna.valero@egi.eu | Twitter: SLunaValero EGI: Advanced Computing for Research The EGI Foundation is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 certified On Tue, 31 Oct 2023 at 10:31, Sebastian Luna-Valero < sebastian.luna.valero@egi.eu> wrote:
Hello ESG WP4!
A kind reminder that we have moved our monthly meeting from tomorrow Wed 1st Nov to the following day: Thu 2nd Nov.
I take the opportunity to set a few points of discussion ahead of the meeting so we can have a more fruitful discussion on Thursday.
T4.1: - Enable BYOC in Galaxy without admin intervention. Action: plan next steps [ALU-FR] - Add new ARC cluster deployment at UiO to connect it with DIRAC v8 using tokens. [UiO] - Automate deployment of ARC with Infrastructure Manager like we did with Pulsar? [UiO, EGI]
T4.2: - Test geolocation https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/issues/16370 [VIB, ALU-FR, EGI] - Progress with object store in OneData [AGH-UST]
T4.3: - Progress on Metascheduler for TPV as a service https://github.com/usegalaxy-eu/tpv-metascheduler-api [ALU-FR, EGI, VIB] - Profiling of sites. Discuss next steps [ALU-FR, EGI, UiO] - Visual approach to show jobs floating through Europe (between instances of Galaxy and Pulsar). [CESNET]
BSC, UB, and INFN are also part of WP4 but we need to define specific tasks. Do BSC, UB and INFN have suggestions on what to contribute in WP4?
Best regards, Sebastian
-- Sebastian Luna-Valero (he/him/his) | Cloud Community Support Specialist | EGI Foundation (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) W: www.egi.eu | E: sebastian.luna.valero@egi.eu | Twitter: SLunaValero
EGI: Advanced Computing for Research The EGI Foundation is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 certified