1 Mar
1 Mar
2:16 a.m.
Dear all, A kind reminder of our meeting today at 10.00 CET. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83095358997?pwd=YUNBME1rNFdXUjA3SGdvdVpGS3hJZz09 Meeting ID: 830 9535 8997 Passcode: 795646 Notes to be taken at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztTmfn5dMlN_IEE7MUvtJLZAb8fQIiM7k98kNYLY... Regards Enol -- Enol Fernández (he/him) | Cloud Solutions Manager | EGI Foundation (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) www.egi.eu | enol.fernandez@egi.eu | +31 (0)6 1541 1698 | Skype: enol.fernandez.egi | Twitter: @enolfc EGI: Advanced Computing for Research The EGI Foundation is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 certified