Hi, everybody! Thank you very much for sending me the slides for the ESG General Assembly Talk. I tried to do my best and integrated them into the common ppt presentation here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12U8pDnTnmEgKy1Mc8Z7Ix5NhXLBhuJJs/edi... Please have a look at the document and especially at your slides again, in case something is wrong or missing, and let me know by mail or in the matrix WP5 channel. @Anika, could you please check that the footer of the document does not contain "Kick-Off" 🙂 Best regards Nikolay [https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/docs/AHkbwyK8lDDEEuu1ngaTdOBVVQ1oqDScf9TORyfAntqM8Xc15Rp4JbdSnF5Zr7GXPdLO9IxPF65nAjctvbxqKJvJTVMTST_9DsdrCIPZow=w1200-h630-p]<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12U8pDnTnmEgKy1Mc8Z7Ix5NhXLBhuJJs/edit#slide=id.g2d4733400b2_0_53> EuroScienceGateway_GeneralAssembly_2024.pptx<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12U8pDnTnmEgKy1Mc8Z7Ix5NhXLBhuJJs/edit#slide=id.g2d4733400b2_0_53> EuroScienceGateway Annual Project Meeting 24th October 2024, Berlin docs.google.com