10 Nov
10 Nov
6:36 p.m.
Hi, everybody! Please find here the link to the Agenda of the first WP5 meeting. Please read it and add your proposals and comments. If you cannot open the document please write to me here or to n.a.vazov@usit.uio.no. The meeeting is at 10 AM CET. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EIwocsYvep9WA3YdyLmDLr_QgaEtfynRi8KRie1y... Best regards and see you tomorrow at zoom Zoom: https://uni-freiburg.zoom.us/j/64145321765?pwd=R0xyTUxSMVNjTnRwZzB2cWdUbEY5Z... Nikolay =============== Nikolay Vazov, PhD Department for Research Computing, University of Oslo