Hi, everybody, This is a reminder for the monthly ESG WP5 meeting. I would like to thank all of you again for the work you have done so far within your communities and for the active and helpful participation in report preparation. I would not be able to complete it without your excellent contribution. We might have a new member from Norway (I guess EOSC4Cancer). The rolling notes are here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oK7w-jjZ8D2h_tijhhzz6BX5QAzPvKfhQ5KAArbV... zoom: https://uni-freiburg.zoom.us/j/64145321765?pwd=R0xyTUxSMVNjTnRwZzB2cWdUbEY5Z... I understand that we met last week, it is going to be probably a short meeting but it would be nice to share our plans for the coming months. I will prepare the block for the meeting in the document later today. Best regards NIkolay =============== Nikolay Vazov, PhD Scientific Computing Services, IT Department, University of Oslo, Norway