Hello all, This is just a reminder that* there are some key deadlines this Friday, May 20:* - Early registration ends <https://gcc2016.iu.edu/registration/index.php>. After Friday registration rates go up by over 40%. - Poster abstracts <https://gcc2016.iu.edu/abstracts/index.php> are due. - Demo abstracts <https://gcc2016.iu.edu/abstracts/index.php> are due. These are new this year and can complement a poster abstract or stand on their own. If you are wondering what's happening at GCC2016, the training and conference schedules <https://gcc16.sched.org/> are now online, featuring 21 accepted talks <https://gcc16.sched.org/overview/type/Conference> and 31 training sessions <https://gcc16.sched.org/overview/type/Training+%E2%80%94+Any>. And, thanks to Jetstream <http://jetstream-cloud.org/> IU's newest National Science Foundation-funded project (and in which Galaxy is a partner), and the National Center for Genome Analysis Support <http://ncgas.org/> at IU are sponsoring an opening reception on Monday evening <http://sched.co/72bN> at the IU Cyberinfrastructure Building. The first ever GCC opening reception will feature local wine/beer, morsels from local eateries, and demonstrations of the 15 million+ pixel IQ-Wall, IU's Data Center, Science on a Sphere, and other IU-centric IT. Hope to see you there, Dave C -- http://galaxyproject.org/ http://getgalaxy.org/ http://usegalaxy.org/ https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/