Hello all, Early registration <http://bit.ly/GCC2013Reg> for the 2013 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2013) <http://bit.ly/gcc2013> ends this Friday, 24 May. Early registration saves *up to 75% off regular registration costs*, and is downright affordable, with combined registration (Training Day<http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2013/TrainingDay> + main meeting <http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2013/Program>) starting at ~ €95 for post-docs and students. Registering early also assures you a spot in the Training Day workshops you want to attend. Once a Training Day session becomes full, it will be closed to new registrations. GCC2013 <http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2013> is an opportunity to participate in two full days of presentations, discussions, poster sessions, keynote, and lightning talks, all about high-throughput biology and the tools that support it. The conference also includes a Training Day<http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2013/TrainingDay> with in-depth topic coverage of twelve different topics in 15 sessions across 5 tracks. An early program is available<http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2013/Program> featuring 25 oral presentations, lightning talks and poster sessions, and the just added Birds-of-a-Feather <http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2013/BoF> gatherings. If you are a biologist or bioinformatician performing or enabling high-throughput biological research, then this conference is for you. Thanks, GCC2013 Organizing Committee<http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2013/Organizers> PS: And please help get the word out<http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2013/Promotion> ! -- http://galaxyproject.org/GCC2013 http://galaxyproject.org/ http://getgalaxy.org/ http://usegalaxy.org/ http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/