Complete News Brief
Freebayes has moved from the Galaxy distribution to the Galaxy's Main Tool Shed
EMBOSS version 5.0.0 tool dependencies in the emboss_5 repository of the Galaxy Main Tool Shed updated to include information for automatically installing.
Tool Shed now also supports specifying the third party tool dependencies to be automatically installed in new repositories
Admin Genome Indexing is now
in BETA. Download, index, and track progress right
from the admin UI!
Improved Error Handling that captures EXIT codes, STDOUT, and STDERR from tools in XML. Be sure to read full details.
TopHat2/Bowtie2 latest support includes option to 'report discordant pairs', updated tests, and more preset options.
Trackster new parameter space visualization. Includes BRAND NEW Features!! More details coming soon, but give a test drive now.
new: % hg clone galaxy-dist upgrade: % hg pull -u -r ec29ce8e27a1
Thanks for using Galaxy!
We hope to see everyone in Chicago @ GCC2012!!