Hello all,
The March 2017 Galaxy News is out!
- 2017 Galaxy Community Conference early registration and abstract submission are open.
- Travel fellowships for GCC2017 are available from the Galaxy Community Fund.
- Metaproteomics of microbiomes at ABRF 2017, Cycle "Bioinformatique par la pratique" 2017 at INRA in Jouy-en-Josas, and a whole lot more events are coming up.
- Galaxy is in GSoC 2017
- 199 new publications, including 11 highlighted pubs.
- Four open positions in Europe and North America.
- Two new public servers, RNA-Rocket needs some fuel, and Cancer Computer upgrades
- New releases of Galaxy, Planemo, Pulsar, galaxy-lib, Starforge, and (the new) sequence_utils.
- Over 80 new repos in the Galaxy Tool Shed.
- And other news too.
Happy March!
Dave C and the Galaxy Team