Hello all, *The executive summary:* 1. *We have moved our registration deadline to June 22*. Register by the end of Wednesday and save 25% or $200 on your registration. 2. *Hotel rooms can now be booked through June 30*. The hotel is where the conference is, it's a good price, it's in a cool neighborhood, and it's right next to the UMN campus. And if you are wondering what GCC2022 is about... *GCC2022* <https://galaxyproject.org/gcc2022/> brings together hundreds of researchers, trainers, tool developers, software engineers, and computational infrastructure providers, all addressing common challenges in data intensive science using the Galaxy data integration and analysis platform <https://galaxyproject.org/>. *See below for links and more news.* I/We hope to see you in Minneapolis in one month! Dave C, on behalf of the GCC2022 Organizing Committee *2022 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2022)* July 17-23, 2022 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States *#UseGalaxy2022 <https://twitter.com/hashtag/UseGalaxy2022>* *Three years of waiting and we're down to one month before the #usegalaxy <https://twitter.com/hashtag/usegalaxy?src=hashtag_click> community meets in person at GCC2022! View a summary here <https://galaxyproject.org/blog/2022-06-guide-to-gcc2022/> of what to expect when you join us in Minneapolis.* *Not Registered Yet? There's Still Time!* *Registration has been EXTENDED to Wednesday, June 22 *- *register here for GCC2022 <https://galaxyproject.org/events/gcc2022/register>! * Meeting Registration Fees *Full (< June 22) * *Late (> June 23) * Student/postdoc $400 $500 Academic / Non-Profit / Government $550 $750 Industry $900 $1,150 *Michael Schatz at GCC2022* What do TIME100 <https://time.com/collection/100-most-influential-people-2022/6177818/evan-eichler-karen-miga-adam-phillippy-michael-schatz/> and GCC2022 have in common? Michael Schatz, that's what! Come talk to him about the future, learn more about his Birds of a Feather session here <https://gcc2022.sched.com/event/13V9n>. *We have a tremendous lineup of speakers for our accepted and invited talks and training sessions! *Get to know who they are by *viewing the entire GCC2022 schedule <https://gcc2022.sched.com/>. * *Hotel Reservation Deadline EXTENDED* Be sure to make your hotel reservations <https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1645812815669&key=GRP&app=resvlink> at our GCC2022 venue the Courtyard Minneapolis Downtown by Thursday, June 30 to get our conference rate of $139/night! Register for GCC2022 by June 22 <https://galaxyproject.org/events/gcc2022/register> Make Hotel Reservations by June 30 <https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1645812815669&key=GRP&app=resvlink> PS: No, you can never completely leave the Galaxy. You knew this right? PPS: We moved these dates back because a particularly bad interaction between the (spiffy!) MailChimp service we have been using for GCC2022, and Galaxy's (only semi-functional!) MailMan3 server caused no email to be delivered to several mailing lists since the end of April. So, now is your chance. Please do register by Wednesday. -- My last day with Galaxy was December 17, 2021 . After that I will be the Anaconda <https://www.anaconda.com/> open source community manager. If you need to reach Galaxy Outreach after December 17, please send your email to outreach@galaxyproject.org.