Dear Galaxy Fans, We are pleased to announce the *release of Galaxy 17.05*. Thanks to the #usegalaxy committers and you, our community! Full release notes: https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/releases/17.05_announce.html Highlights: *Tag your data with propagating hashtags* Large Galaxy histories used to be messy. Hashtags make it easy to track dataset (and collection) relationships. These two movies (both under a minute) explain how to use this with datasets <https://vimeo.com/216884518> and with collections <https://vimeo.com/216895965>. Learn more about Galaxy histories in our updated tutorial <https://galaxyproject.org/tutorials/histories/> *Drag & Drop datasets into tool inputs*Interface now allows dragging datasets from history panel into the content selectors of the tool form. Implemented in Pull Request 3871 <https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/pull/3871>.*Upload directly to a collection* You can now bypass the history manipulation and upload your data straight into a collection for convenience. Learn more about collections and how to use them in a new tutorial <https://galaxyproject.org/tutorials/collections/>. We extend special thanks to the 64 New Contributors <https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/releases/17.05_announce.html#new-contributors> to Galaxy in the past year. *Thanks for using Galaxy!* *http://galaxyproject.org <http://galaxyproject.org>*