Hello all,
Just a reminder that early registration for the 2012 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2012), being held in Chicago, Illinois, July 25-27, closes on June 11, one week from today. Registering early saves 36 to 42% on registration costs, and allows you to book discounted conference lodging before it fills up. Register now.
is about integrating, analyzing, and sharing the diverse and very large
datasets that are now typical in biomedical research. This is an
opportunity to share best practices with, and learn from, a large
community of researchers and support staff who are facing the challenges
of data-intensive biology. Galaxy is an open web-based platform for data intensive biomedical research that is widely used and deployed at
research organizations of all sizes and around the world.
The GCC2012 Training Day agenda has been finalized. It has 3 parallel tracks, each featuring four, 90 minute workshops and covering 10 different topics. The final schedule of speakers and abstracts are also now available.
Hope to see you in Chicago!
Dave Clements, on behalf of the GCC2012 Organizing Committee