Dear Community, The Galaxy Committers team is pleased to announce the release of Galaxy 20.09. The release announcement for developers and admins can be found at https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/releases/20.09_announce.html and user facing release notes are at https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/releases/20.09_announce_user.html. A few release highlights are: GTN In Galaxy -------------------- The Galaxy Training Network tutorials can now be accessed from within Galaxy using the graduation cap icon. For updated tutorials, tools will be highlighted as blue buttons. When clicked, these buttons will hide the GTN and take you directly to the correct version of the correct tool within the Galaxy interface. Plugin framework for uploading datasets ------------------------------------------------------ Galaxy administrators can now configure different sources from which users may upload files. These include global or user-specifc webdav servers, dropbox accounts as well as FTP and regular filesystem locations. Developers can add new types of sources by adding PyFileSystem2 <https://docs.pyfilesystem.org/en/latest/introduction.html> compatible plugins. Upload directly from the Tool Form ---------------------------------------------- Datasets can now be uploaded directly from the Tool Form. Workflow import from GA4GH TRS servers --------------------------------------------------------- Galaxy can now search and import workflows from GA4GH TRS servers, such as Dockstore <https://dockstore.org/> and WorkflowHub <https://workflowhub.eu/>. We hope that sharing workflows on these platforms will facilitate re-use and collaboration. Simplified workflow submission form ------------------------------------------------ Galaxy now presents a simpler and cleaner interface for submitting workflows that focuses on the parameters to set and datasets to choose. Accelerated batch job creation and workflow step scheduling --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galaxy now batches database interactions for the creation of batch jobs. For large batches of jobs this can speed up job creation by 100-fold or more. Check out the release notes for a lot more details - there are many more enhancements, new visualizations and bug fixes as well as instructions for upgrading your Galaxy installation. Thanks for using Galaxy!
participants (1)
Marius van den Beek