November 2013 Galaxy Update Newsletter

Hello all, The November 2013 Galaxy Update is out<> : *Highlights:* - Two new public Galaxy servers<> : CoSSci: Complex Social Science Gateway<> (which has *nothing* to do with biology), and BioCiphers Lab Galaxy<> . - 53 new papers<>, including "Expanding roles in a library-based bioinformatics service program: a case study," "DDBJ Read Annotation Pipeline: A Cloud Computing-Based Pipeline for High-Throughput Analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing Data," and "Ten Simple Rules for Reproducible Computational Research" - Who's hiring<> - Upcoming Events<>, including - Save these dates! GCC2014: June 30 - July 2, Baltimore<> - Galaxy Day, December 4, Paris<> - UC Davis Bioinformatics Boot Camps<> - Lifeportal launched at the University of Oslo<> - Tool Shed contributions<> If you have anything you would like to see in the next *Galaxy Update<> *, please let us know. Dave Clements and the Galaxy Team <> --
participants (1)
Dave Clements