GCC2015: Early Reg closes 22 May; Call for Birds-of-a-feather; and more

Hello all, A couple of GCC2015 related items: *Early Registration closes 22 May* Just a reminder that early registration <http://gcc2015.tsl.ac.uk/registration/> for the 2015 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2015, http://gcc2015.tsl.ac.uk/) closes Friday, 22 May. Registering after that costs an average of 40% more. Space is limited at several events, and when that space is gone, it's gone for good. Register now <http://gcc2015.tsl.ac.uk/registration/> and attend the events you want to, and save 40%. GCC2015 includes several new events and features even more training than before. *Call for Birds of a Feather (BoFs) Meetups* *Birds of a feather* meetups are informal gatherings of GCC attendees with a shared interest. They are an essential part of GCCs. If you have an idea then for a BoF then you are strongly encouraged to propose one: https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2015/BoFs *Oral Presentation Abstracts are Online* *Most* of the abstracts for accepted talks at GCC2015 are now online. We expect to put a few more up in the coming week. http://gcc2015.tsl.ac.uk/abstracts/ They aren't (yet) listed in any particular order. Again, please do remember to register by 22 May, and we hope to see you in Norwich! Cheers, Dave C -- http://galaxyproject.org/ http://getgalaxy.org/ http://usegalaxy.org/ https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/
participants (1)
Dave Clements