GCC2023 in Australia - you're invited!

Please see below about the upcoming GCC2023: a very cool conference at a very cool location that's promising to have very cool content. Register now, submit an abstract by April 3, and see you in July. Registration & abstract submission now open. View this email in your browser <https://mailchi.mp/biocommons/gcc2023-open-rego-abstracts?e=345014be77> Your invitation to the Galaxy Community Conference 10 - 16 July 2023 CHECK OUT WHAT'S ON OFFER Conference Details <https://biocommons.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f01ea91afbbf5ee55ad914ad8&id=4637a0dac3&e=345014be77> LOCK IN EARLYBIRD PRICING NOW Register Now <https://biocommons.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f01ea91afbbf5ee55ad914ad8&id=62d025797a&e=345014be77> *GCC2023* <https://biocommons.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f01ea91afbbf5ee55ad914ad8&id=53446a17b7&e=345014be77> 10-16 July 2023 Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia The international Galaxy community is taking their annual conference to Australia for the first time! This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with a friendly group of researchers, developers and educators from around the world. There will be presentations, training and collaboration, combined with plenty of socialising in beautiful surrounds. If you are a data scientist, software engineer, or an educator working in data intensive science you should consider attending GCC2023, even if you are not (yet) using Galaxy. There will be opportunities to learn about data analysis methods, opportunities to disseminate your software to thousands of users, or attend a variety of training sessions on topics ranging from data analysis to systems administration. Short talks are also a great opportunity to present in-progress work and get feedback from a very welcoming and engaging community. REGISTER NOW As always, we've done our best to keep the conference affordable (we only aim to cover costs). There is a discount for delegates from low-income countries too. Early registration ends 12 May. We know that not everyone can travel so we are also offering a virtual option to hear the conference talks live. Registration Fees (AU$) *Earlybird * *Full* Student/postdoc Academic / Non-Profit / Government Industry Virtual (talks only) $350 $450 $600 $50 $450 $550 $800 $50 <https://biocommons.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f01ea91afbbf5ee55ad914ad8&id=babf4c1ac7&e=345014be77>*OPEN: Earlybird registration <https://biocommons.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f01ea91afbbf5ee55ad914ad8&id=32b3c38b2f&e=345014be77>* PRESENT YOUR WORK Of course the most rewarding way to participate is to bring your own work for discussion with your peers. The abstract submission process is quick and simple, so if you work in data intensive science then please consider presenting your work. Abstract submissions for oral presentations are due on 3 April, and 2 June for posters and demos. Submit an abstract (or two) now! * OPEN: Abstract submission for talks, lightning talks, demos & posters <https://biocommons.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f01ea91afbbf5ee55ad914ad8&id=7ff3d325e2&e=345014be77> * We hope to welcome you to Brisbane soon, GCC2023 Organisers <https://biocommons.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f01ea91afbbf5ee55ad914ad8&id=863b1d0119&e=345014be77> . <https://biocommons.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f01ea91afbbf5ee55ad914ad8&id=b627c1dcda&e=345014be77> ABOUT GALAXY Galaxy is a platform for data integration and analysis in any branch of data intensive science. It enables researchers to build, run, share, and repeat their own complex computational analyses using only a web browser and without having to first learn system administration and command line interfaces. The Galaxy Project is driven by a vibrant community who publish workflows and analyses, wrap new tools, maintain and enhance the source code, provide support, and write documentation and training materials. Galaxy is open-source and freely available, and is deployed in hundreds of organisations, running on everything from laptops to supercomputers to public and private clouds. Over 150 of these platforms are publicly available and can be used with little or no setup. Thousands of tools have been ported to Galaxy and are deployable from the Galaxy Tool Shed. Galaxy was developed to support life science research, but the platform is domain agnostic and is now used in domains as diverse as natural language processing, computational solid geometry, and social science. *#UseGalaxy2023* *Copyright © 2023 Galaxy Australia, All rights reserved.* https://galaxyproject.org/events/gcc2023/ *Our mailing address is:* Galaxy Australia <https://biocommons.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f01ea91afbbf5ee55ad914ad8&id=fdda544b14&e=345014be77> c/o Australian BioCommons <https://biocommons.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f01ea91afbbf5ee55ad914ad8&id=0b76e4cae6&e=345014be77> University of Melbourne, Australia
participants (1)
Enis Afgan