GalaxyAdmins meetup on March 20th at 10 AM Central

Hello, The next GalaxyAdmins Meetup will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 from 10 AM to 11 AM US Central time at Hailiang (Leon) Mei and David van Enckevort will present on "NBIC Galaxy at SURFsara's HPC cloud". There will also be a Galaxy Project Update by a Galaxy Team member. We encourage and look forward to your participation in the meetup. Downloading the required Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing system applet in advance, and using a headphone with a microphone to prevent audio feedback during the call is recommended. Thank you. -- Srinivas Maddhi Senior Systems Administrator Iowa Institute for Human Genetics ITS Research Services, The University of Iowa
participants (1)
IIHG Galaxy Administrator