Galaxy 18.09 Release

We are pleased to announce the *release of Galaxy 18.09 <>*. A few release highlights are: <http://localhost:8095/news/2018-9-galaxy-release/#extensive-workflow-enhancements> Extensive Workflow Enhancements Workflows got a lot of love this time around, with new runtime parameters for subworkflows, exposed workflow versions, and zoom capability in the editor, to name a few. There were also a number of usability enhancements including better labeling, links, overhauled workflow import interfaces, and many more. <http://localhost:8095/news/2018-9-galaxy-release/#group-tags> Group Tags Galaxy now contains powerful new features for multiple factor analysis of collections of datasets. The concept of group tags has been added to Galaxy. These are a special class of tags that describe key-value pairs that can be attached to the contents of a collection during upload or using collection operation tools. These tags can describe multiple sets of variables for the contents of a collection. Once set, these tags can be consumed intelligently by tools that need to divide collections into multiple overlapping factors or sets of datasets. A special thanks to @mvdbeek for devising and implementing this approach. <http://localhost:8095/news/2018-9-galaxy-release/#python-3-beta-support> Python 3 Beta Support After almost 3 years of work and more than 100 pull requests, we are proud to announce the Beta-stage support for running Galaxy under Python 3. Lint, unit, API, framework, integration and Selenium tests all pass, time for you to give it a try and report any bug you find! Please see the full release notes <> for more information, including how to upgrade today! *Thanks for using Galaxy!*
participants (1)
Dannon Baker