Galaxy Australasia Meeting Update: Register now, Poster Abstracts, Training

Hello all, The Galaxy Australasia Meeting <> will bring together biomedical researchers, bioinformaticians, infrastructure providers, and data producers from across Australia and Asia. GAMe 2017 will be held 3-9 February at the University of Melbourne, in Melbourne, Australia. The schedule of events is: 3 Feb Friday: Researcher Training Day <>: 4 Feb Saturday: Conference Day 1: BIO Day <> 5 Feb Sunday: Conference Day 2: INFO Day <> 6-9 Feb Mon-Thu: Galaxy Administrator Training <> You can register <> to attend any combination of these events. (Details on each event are below.) *The Conference is still accepting poster submissions <>.* This is a great opportunity to share your work with other researchers facing the challenges of data intensive biology. *On-time registration <> ends 27 January*, and registering now avoids the ~ 80% cost increase for late registrations. (Some training sessions may sell out before then, so you are encouraged to register sooner rather than later.) This is a rare opportunity for the data intensive life science research community to gather, and is the first large multi-day Galaxy event to be offered outside of Europe and North America. You are encouraged to join your fellow researchers in sunny and summery Melbourne this February. Thanks, Dave C PS: And please help spread the word by sharing and posting the attached announcement or this email. Follow us: #GAMe_2017, @GalaxyAustralia ---- *Researcher Training Day <>, 3 February Friday* Researcher Training Day targets life scientists working with Next-Generation Sequencing data, in particular RNA-Seq, RAD-Seq, and microbial genomes. Session instructors are experienced researchers and trainers and are prominent members of both the Galaxy and Australian training communities. If you want to learn how to do NGS analysis without also having to become a systems admin, then this is the event for you. *Conference Day 1: BIO Day <>, 4 February Saturday* *Conference Day 2: INFO Day <>, 5 February Sunday* The two day conference is split into BIO and INFO days. Both days will feature keynotes by prominent community members <> James Taylor and Björn Grüning, as well as accepted and invited talks, posters, panels, and birds-of-a-feather and other networking opportunities. Speakers from Australia, Japan, India, the United States, Germany, and Canada are on the program. If you are performing, enabling or supporting data-intensive biology then this meeting will be time well spent. *Galaxy Administrator Training <>, 6-9 February Monday-Thursday* This 4-day workshop will be intensive and hands-on, and taught by experienced instructors from the Genomics Virtual Lab, Galaxy Project, and Galaxy Freiburg teams. Participants will learn how to install, configure, customize, and extend their own Galaxy servers. Topics include tool configuration, authentication and user management, using heterogeneous storage and compute services, and many other topics that will enable you to get your own Galaxy server up and running, performing well, and used by your community. This is only the second time this workshop has been offered. --
participants (1)
Dave Clements