1 new commit in galaxy-central: https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/commits/dffb40cd221d/ Changeset: dffb40cd221d User: greg Date: 2014-01-18 21:46:36 Summary: Debug fix. Affected #: 1 file diff -r 4a926eff735eef13634c76c258f8a82dd17e3ea4 -r dffb40cd221d8531f8f131944e60f35ff0ce7e03 test/install_and_test_tool_shed_repositories/base/util.py --- a/test/install_and_test_tool_shed_repositories/base/util.py +++ b/test/install_and_test_tool_shed_repositories/base/util.py @@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ params[ 'time_last_tested' ] = 'This entry will result in this value being set via the Tool Shed API.' url = '%s' % ( suc.url_join( galaxy_tool_shed_url,'api', 'repository_revisions', str( metadata_revision_id ) ) ) log.debug( 'url: %s' % str( url ) ) - log.degug( 'params: %s' % str( params ) ) + log.debug( 'params: %s' % str( params ) ) try: return update( tool_shed_api_key, url, params, return_formatted=False ) except Exception, e: Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/ -- This is a commit notification from bitbucket.org. You are receiving this because you have the service enabled, addressing the recipient of this email.