Branch: refs/heads/master Home: Commit: bfd90d94d8c005b8c67e35a0bc8b3cfdd56fa62f Author: Nate Coraor <> Date: 2016-05-20 (Fri, 20 May 2016) Changed paths: M roles/galaxyprojectdotorg.pulsar/ M roles/galaxyprojectdotorg.pulsar/defaults/main.yml M roles/galaxyprojectdotorg.pulsar/meta/.galaxy_install_info M roles/galaxyprojectdotorg.pulsar/tasks/main.yml M roles/galaxyprojectdotorg.pulsar/templates/server.ini.j2 Log Message: ----------- Update Pulsar role Commit: cf361e8432ce45b4a0be9cabf66472b397982c70 Author: Nate Coraor <> Date: 2016-05-20 (Fri, 20 May 2016) Changed paths: M galaxy.yml M production/group_vars/all.yml M production/group_vars/galaxyservers.yml M production/group_vars/pulsarservers.yml A production/host_vars/ M production/host_vars/ M production/inventory M pulsar.yml M stage/group_vars/all.yml M stage/group_vars/galaxyservers.yml M stage/group_vars/pulsarservers.yml M stage/host_vars/ A stage/host_vars/ M stage/host_vars/ M stage/inventory M templates/galaxy/ M templates/galaxy/ Log Message: ----------- Switch Test and Main from embedded to remote (RESTful) Pulsar on Jetstream for performance reasons. A few things of note: - /cvmfs/<instance> is currently created by hand. - Supervisor is configured by hand to run Pulsar on jetstream-tacc0 - jetstream-iu is draining old embedded jobs. No jobs will go to IU until it is set up with remote pulsar and the job config (and dynamic rule) is updated. - Need to set up SSL for Pulsar Compare: