Branch: refs/heads/dev Home: Commit: 9bac3c44faf51e0e4c396d7f1d3470f7aa4a588e Author: John Chilton <> Date: 2018-11-20 (Tue, 20 Nov 2018) Changed paths: M lib/galaxy/managers/ M lib/galaxy/model/ A lib/galaxy/model/migrate/versions/ M lib/galaxy/web/base/ M lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/ M test/api/ M test/base/ M test/base/ M test/integration/ A test/integration/ Log Message: ----------- Path-aware workflows. - Allow workflows to be uploaded via path using the GUI and and API for admins. - Track the path and resync workflows on save (both .ga and format 2 workflows) - this will allow Planemo to leverage the Galaxy workflow editor to interactively save workflows. Commit: 11428a03b8193ff50c35d9dd7069789ca2ba6cc7 Author: Martin Cech <> Date: 2018-12-07 (Fri, 07 Dec 2018) Changed paths: M lib/galaxy/managers/ M lib/galaxy/model/ A lib/galaxy/model/migrate/versions/ M lib/galaxy/web/base/ M lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/ M test/api/ M test/base/ M test/base/ M test/integration/ A test/integration/ Log Message: ----------- Merge pull request #7019 from jmchilton/path-aware-workflows File-based Workflow Editor Compare: **NOTE:** This service has been marked for deprecation: Functionality will be removed from on January 31st, 2019.