Branch: refs/heads/dev Home: Commit: cd3f28d8a731475158bb97b807cb451929307cd0 Author: Eric Rasche <> Date: 2016-05-10 (Tue, 10 May 2016) Changed paths: M lib/galaxy/tools/ Log Message: ----------- Unicodify has different semantics to str Originally my patch was written with str()'s behaviour in mind. If a value is None, it gets cast. I did not test my patch well enough following @nsoranzo's request to replace with unicodify(). In that case a raw None gets passed to cgi.escape() causing a bug Commit: 75a99eb112355047692a3a97274f552eab58e705 Author: Dannon Baker <> Date: 2016-05-10 (Tue, 10 May 2016) Changed paths: M lib/galaxy/tools/ Log Message: ----------- Merge pull request #2336 from erasche/fix-for-the-nth-bloody-time Unicodify has different semantics to str, causing bug reporter bug Compare: