Branch: refs/heads/release_16.04 Home: Commit: 84ad9c2ee2c5cf0420f837405dfbd1893f1d0ed2 Author: John Chilton <> Date: 2016-04-10 (Sun, 10 Apr 2016) Changed paths: M config/job_conf.xml.sample_advanced M lib/galaxy/dependencies/requirements.txt M lib/galaxy/jobs/ M lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/ M test/unit/jobs/ Log Message: ----------- Rev Pulsar to 0.7.0.dev3. - Fixes numerous problems mostly notably fixes external metadata generation and job metrics collection for recent Pulsar. This was broken when tools were given clean working directory. - Produce a new message if an older Pulsar version is targetted via REST of library (should help with upgrading to Galaxy 16.04). - Newer pulsar lib allows more flexible configuration of managers - update documntation to reflect this. Commit: f03c0375566a835b9e75135ba9462ddad1dfeb70 Author: Nate Coraor <> Date: 2016-04-12 (Tue, 12 Apr 2016) Changed paths: M config/job_conf.xml.sample_advanced M lib/galaxy/dependencies/requirements.txt M lib/galaxy/jobs/ M lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/ M test/unit/jobs/ Log Message: ----------- Merge pull request #2122 from jmchilton/pulsar_metadata [16.04] Rev Pulsar to 0.7.0.dev3. Compare: