commit/galaxy-central: 2 new changesets

2 new commits in galaxy-central: Changeset: 79d9ae1d8482 Branch: next-stable User: natefoo Date: 2014-01-27 20:06:23 Summary: One more tool removed in migration 9 that needed to be removed from tool_conf.xml.main. Affected #: 1 file diff -r 0c6bf744c5b25377145df3994198f994193ba0bf -r 79d9ae1d84826e5bfa1c3b3ddf57112927f9a7fb tool_conf.xml.main --- a/tool_conf.xml.main +++ b/tool_conf.xml.main @@ -184,8 +184,6 @@ <tool file="solid_tools/solid_qual_boxplot.xml" /><label id="generic_fastq" text="Generic FASTQ manipulation" /><label id="fastx_toolkit_fastq" text="FASTX-Toolkit for FASTQ data" /> - <label id="fastq_qc" text="FASTQ QC" /> - <tool file="rgenetics/rgFastQC.xml" /></section><section id="ngs_mapping" name="NGS: Mapping"><label id="illumina" text="Illumina" /> Changeset: 15f845aa98d2 User: natefoo Date: 2014-01-27 20:06:36 Summary: Merge tool removal from next-stable. Affected #: 1 file diff -r 8ea87f7bc63a32ee86d07652de0d2705b195d532 -r 15f845aa98d2fbec19039eb879e481468fbd4cca tool_conf.xml.main --- a/tool_conf.xml.main +++ b/tool_conf.xml.main @@ -184,8 +184,6 @@ <tool file="solid_tools/solid_qual_boxplot.xml" /><label id="generic_fastq" text="Generic FASTQ manipulation" /><label id="fastx_toolkit_fastq" text="FASTX-Toolkit for FASTQ data" /> - <label id="fastq_qc" text="FASTQ QC" /> - <tool file="rgenetics/rgFastQC.xml" /></section><section id="ngs_mapping" name="NGS: Mapping"><label id="illumina" text="Illumina" /> Repository URL: -- This is a commit notification from You are receiving this because you have the service enabled, addressing the recipient of this email.
participants (1)