[galaxyproject/ansible-galaxy] 03fc99: Fix Travis tests and test new features

Branch: refs/heads/useradd Home: https://github.com/galaxyproject/ansible-galaxy Commit: 03fc9931e0abebaf43a0314a4fbf51b29b4e1a1a https://github.com/galaxyproject/ansible-galaxy/commit/03fc9931e0abebaf43a03... Author: Nate Coraor <nate@bx.psu.edu> Date: 2019-01-25 (Fri, 25 Jan 2019) Changed paths: M .travis.yml M README.md M defaults/main.yml M tasks/clone.yml M tasks/dependencies.yml M tasks/download.yml M tasks/layout.yml M tests/test_playbook.yml Log Message: ----------- Fix Travis tests and test new features **NOTE:** GitHub Services has been marked for deprecation: https://developer.github.com/changes/2018-04-25-github-services-deprecation/ We will provide an alternative path for the email notifications by January 31st, 2019.
participants (1)