Hi guys, a recruiter hit me up recently and mentioned a local hackathon.. I took a look at their big biologist machine learning online service idea, but it sounded awfully fimiliar. Looks like the greenlab out of UPenn hasn't heard of galaxyproject, but I'm not doing a very good job explaining how galaxy could be leveraged to do exactly what I want... just seems like awful duplication on their part when expanding galaxy would be preferable. see my issue on it: https://github.com/cognoma/cognoma/issues/18#issuecomment-233335587 Their website: https://github.com/cognoma/cognoma/ A current doc outlining the project: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QoLZwTmMhvu_tv3SO4bA3-XomV1y5BR0CWhh833c... Any ideas I can spin them to help convince them that galaxy probably does almost everything they need, aside from integrating their tools? Calvin