On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Shaun Webb <swebb1@staffmail.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
I have just installed the Blast+ tools from the Galaxy tool shed and tried to make a Blast DB from a fasta file in history. The tool runs ok and indicates that a blastdb has been created in:
There should be a collection of files named blastdb.* in the folder /storage/home/galaxy/production/galaxy-dist/database/files/085/dataset_85192_files/
However there is no directory dataset_85192_files. I have blast installed and I'm able to run makeblastdb on the command line.
Do I have to make any other modifications before I can use Blast tools?
I'm unsure what could be wrong. Do the other BLAST+ tools seem to work (e.g. blastp)? Are all the BLAST tools configured the same way in terms of universe_wsgi.ini and their job runners - or do you have some running on the cluster and some on the head node? My guess is something about the mounted storage, but then I would have expected problems with other tools as well. Peter