Hi, I installed Galaxy on an Ubuntu (18.04) VM following the 'Galaxy Installation with Ansible' tutorial. Galaxy is serving on localhost and does not use SSL. I then followed the 'Galaxy Interactive Tools' tutorial to install/enable Interactive Tools. I skipped the part 'Getting a wildcard SSL certificate' and I modified the group variables file group_vars/galayservers.yml as follows nginx_servers: - galaxy # NOT redirect-ssl - galaxy-gie-proxy instead of nginx_ssl_servers: - galaxy - galaxy-gie-proxy and in the templates/nginx/galaxy-gie-proxy.j2 file, I changed server { # Listen on port 443 listen *:443 ssl; to server { # Listen on port 80 (no SSL) listen *:80; When I execute EtherCalc (or RStudio), the link given in the blue box under 'click here to display' is something like this: http://4b187121143038ff-e0f2473dafce49c98787ab723e8a39b1.interactivetoolentr... but the actual view is found here (modification by hand): http://4b187121143038ff-e0f2473dafce49c98787ab723e8a39b1.interactivetoolentr... It seems that the Interactive Tools Proxy serves on the wrong port. The gie_proxy_port is 8000 and the proxy_pass in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/galaxy-gie-proxy is http://localhost:8000 Does anyone have an idea how to solve the problem? Thanks in advance, Doris -- Doris BROCKMANN *INRAE Transfert BU* 60 Rue Nicolas Leblanc, 11100 Narbonne, France doris.brockmann@inrae.fr Tel. : +33 (0)4 68 46 64 32 Portable : +33 (0)6 03 18 97 76 *Visitez nos sites web**: *www.montpellier.inra.fr/it-e <http://www.montpellier.inra.fr/it-e> // /INRAE Transfert - Filiale de l'INRA - Siège social : 28, rue du Dr Finlay - 75015 Paris// //Société par actions simplifiée au capital de 1 920 000 € - RCS PARIS B 433 960 762 SIRET : 433 960 762 00030 – APE 671 C – TVA FR 96 433 960 762/