I have a script that allows arbitrary filtering on a resource within a more complicated step. in the command section, I have: #if $filter_fxn1 != "" --filter_fxn1="$filter_fxn1" #end if and <param name='filter_fxn1' type='text' label='Filter expression for resource1' /> in the inputs section. The trouble is that when there is no text in the input text box, I'm still getting --filter_fxn1="" in my parameter string. galaxy.jobs.runners.local DEBUG 2010-08-02 16:06:33,027 execution finished: python /home/wbiesing/galaxy_dist/tools/chipSeq/python/enrichment_pairwise.py --quiet --filter_fxn1="" PS-- for simple questions like this on developing tools, should I be deferring to the galaxy-users list? Thanks! -- Jake Biesinger Graduate Student Xie Lab, UC Irvine (949) 231-7587