Hello! The wiki entry on dealing with the <filter> tags is wonderful, but I seem to hit its limitations, unless someone has experience with multi-level conditionals in the input. For example in my XML, <conditional name="Build_Settings"> <param name="SettingsType" type="select" label="Settings to use"> <option value="preSet">Use Defaults</option> <option value="full">Full parameter list</option> </param> <when value="preSet" /> <when value="full"> <conditional name="Bam"> <param name="Bam_Output" type="select" label="Bam Output" > <option value="no">No</option> <option value="yes">Yes</option> </param> </conditional> </when> </conditional> The bam conditional sets an argument in my program to generate bam instead of sam (default) which is the reason for the conditional. There are two cases for sam output, when the option is preset, or when full parameters>bam_output == no. for this reason It wouldnt work to filter this on the bam_output boolean because it would evaluate to false if preset was chosen. I cannot do a simple <change format> for the same reason. Do the filter tags only support one boolean check? How would I actually get past the "settings" parameter and into the bam_output parameter?