10 Jul
10 Jul
3:30 p.m.
Hi All - Just a quick ask - anyone have anything BAD to say about running Galaxy on a CENTOS 7.4/Scientific Linux with AMD EPYC chipset? Its a bit new ... but looks good on paper and we would like to grow the Galaxy environment here. Thanks Gerhard Stellenbosch IT [http://cdn.sun.ac.za/100/ProductionFooter.jpg]<http://www.sun.ac.za/english/Pages/Water-crisis.aspx> The integrity and confidentiality of this email is governed by these terms. Disclaimer<http://www.sun.ac.za/emaildisclaimer> Die integriteit en vertroulikheid van hierdie e-pos word deur die volgende bepalings gereël. Vrywaringsklousule<http://www.sun.ac.za/emaildisclaimer>