As you discovered, this isn't possible yet. You'll need to break up your parameters into multiple conditions, so Yes/No for Blast and Yes/No for Fasta.


On Aug 26, 2013, at 6:33 AM, Kahlke Tim wrote:


Is it possible to use a <select multiple="True"> for a conditional? I'm trying to use it for checkboxes which by default have to have multiple set. But as soon as I put the multiple-tag in I get an 'no case matched' exception (see example below). 

Any suggestions?

Example (working)
<conditional name="c1">
    <param type="select" name="dbt" label="Db tools">
        <option value="blast">Blast</option>
        <option value="fasta">Fasta</option>
    <when value="blast">

Example (exception)
<conditional name="c1">
    <param type="select" name="dbt" label="Db tools" multiple="True">
        <option value="blast">Blast</option>
        <option value="fasta">Fasta</option>
    <when value="blast">

=> Exception: ('No class matched value:' , 'c1' , None)

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