Hi Lee
* What is a realistic amount of someones time to implement Galaxy on a Linux server so that it can be used by researchers using the Web?
Galaxy is simple to set up and works out-of-the-box. You will have a functional Galaxy server within minutes (yes, 'within minutes'). Providing Galaxy in a production environment will need a few extra steps (see: https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/wiki/Config/ProductionServer ). Depending on your needs, not all the steps are required. I highly recommend, that you use PostgreSQL or MySQL (instead of the built in SQLite) from day 1. Nevertheless, you should have a reliable server within a few days.
* What is the usual time overhead to keep it running and how skilled would they have to be?
Galaxy itself needs hardly any maintenance. However, it is advised to update the code on a regularly basis. Currently we do it every three months. We have a test and a production server, so the update process is split over two days, with a couple of days testing in between. The actual code updates have been very smooth so far and require about an hour of downtime. As long as you have support from your IT-Department running the hardware, you don't need extraordinary skills. Galaxy is written in Python, but you don't need to be a Python programmer (even if you want to make a few changes), as long as you have some basic programming skills in another language. There is a lot of information on the wiki (sometimes, the info is difficult to find). And if you get stuck, you can always send an e-mail to "galaxy-dev" Of course, it all changes when you add your own tools. Although, the actual addition is simple. You might need some extra time for testing and improving your tools. Also, don't forget the time required to teach the use of Galaxy in general and the use of the self-written tools to your colleagues at the bench. Regards, Hans Hans-Rudolf Hotz, PhD Bioinformatics Support Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research Maulbeerstrasse 66 4058 Basel/Switzerland
I should say, this will be for local biological researchers only, approx 20-30 dealing in Exome and Whole genome sequences.
Best regards Lee
-- Dr Lee Hazelwood BHRC Bioinformatics Technology Group Leader Biomedical and Health Research Centre Faculty of Biological Sciences Garstang Building, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. E-mail: L.D.Hazelwood@leeds.ac.uk<mailto:L.D.Hazelwood@leeds.ac.uk>
Anton Nekrutenko http://nekrut.bx.psu.edu http://usegalaxy.org
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