Hi, I have upgraded to Galaxy 18.05 (from 17.05). I am running a torque job scheduler (version 6.02). When I submit a job through galaxy and I look in the admin/manage jobs section I see that the job has been submitted successfully. It shows that the job is queued and waiting to run. On the cluster I see that the job runs and goes to completion. However, the status in galaxy continue to show that the job is waiting to run and the status never gets updated. I'm using postgres as my database and I am running through a nginx proxy. I see no errors in my galaxy.log file. I switched from galaxy.ini to galaxy.yml and from paste to uwsgi. Is this a configuration problem on my end? Where should I be looking? Thanks, -Sheldon Sheldon Briand Computer Systems and Applications Analyst National Research Council/Government of Canada Sheldon.briand@canada.ca/<mailto:Sheldon.briand@canada.ca/> Tel: (902) 426-1677