Hi, Has there been any change in the way galaxy-dist server is started up? I am getting following error after running 'run.sh --daemon' command after galaxy initializes config files from .sample files: {{{ Initializing community_wsgi.ini from community_wsgi.ini.sample Initializing datatypes_conf.xml from datatypes_conf.xml.sample … ... Initializing tool-data/sequence_index_base.loc from sequence_index_base.loc.sample Initializing tool-data/sequence_index_color.loc from sequence_index_color.loc.sample Initializing tool-data/sift_db.loc from sift_db.loc.sample Initializing tool-data/srma_index.loc from srma_index.loc.sample Initializing tool-data/twobit.loc from twobit.loc.sample Initializing static/welcome.html from welcome.html.sample Command 'serve' not known (you may need to run setup.py egg_info) No commands registered. Have you installed Paste Script? (try running python setup.py develop) }}} Do I need to install eggs separately using some other script? Any help? -- Shantanu