16 Mar
16 Mar
10:55 p.m.
On Mar 16, 2011, at 5:43 PM, Darren Brown wrote:
However, when I run a workflow from the command line:
python /mnt/galaxy/galaxy_dist/scripts/api/workflow_execute.py <api-key> <url>/api/workflows 38247d270c7cb1bb 'hist_id=38247d270c7cb1bb' '1=hda=30fc17ce78176bfb'
My hunch is that the step id '1' in this line is probably your issue. To list workflow details in the api, you can use the scripts/api/display.py So, for your workflow there, python /mnt/galaxy/galaxy_dist/scripts/api/display.py <api_key> http://localhost:8080/api/workflows/38247d270c7cb1bb Check that with the workflow in question and see what it returns as the inputs dictionary. -Dannon