On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Peter <peter@maubp.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
Hi all,
I'm trying to install Galaxy on CentOS, and doing things under my own user account the basics look fine (sh setup.sh work, sh run.sh works, and I can access the galaxy webpages on localhost).
I'm now trying to do this via a new Unix/Linux user account just for Galaxy, as recommended here:
For security I have deliberately setup a "galaxy" user with no home directory and with login disabled (based on the apache user) ... That seems to work, but is is a good idea? Do you instead recommend giving the galaxy account a home directory, and installing galaxy there? It would make setting environment variables simpler...
Reading galaxy-dist/contrib/galaxy.debian-init from James Casbon, in his setup the galaxy user had a home directory and that is where the galaxy files were kept. So at least some people do it that way. Peter