Hi everybody,

I'm configuring Proftpd so that it can work with Galaxy installed in a cluster. I don't understand why for the UID and GID, it has been chosen the number "512"?

# Define a custom query for lookup that returns a passwd-like entry.  UID and GID should match your Galaxy user.
SQLUserInfo                     custom:/LookupGalaxyUser
SQLNamedQuery                   LookupGalaxyUser SELECT "email,password,'512','512','/home/nate/galaxy_dist/database/ftp/%U','/bin/bash' FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'"

Because, when a galaxy user tries to connect via filezilla to upload files, the Proftpd server 's logs shows:    chdir (/work/...): Permission denied . I think i have a problem with the UID and GID which doesn't match somehow?

Thanks in advance to all.
