7 May
7 May
5:52 p.m.
One further piece of the mystery I see now: The "View Data tables Registry" shows my tool's loc files, but has odd stuff for "Tool data path" and "Missing index file" columns, for example: blast_reporting_fields [tab] /usr/local/galaxy/test/galaxy-dist/tool-data/salk.bccdc.med.ubc.ca/toolshed/repos/ddooley/blast_reporting/00d397a381f8/blast_reporting_fields.loc [tab] /usr/local/galaxy/test/galaxy-dist/tool-data ./database/tmp/tmp-toolshed-gmfcrDITxyK/blast_reporting_fields.loc [tab] ./database/tmp/tmp-toolshed-gmfcrDITxyK [tab] missing There is no galaxy-dist/database/tmp-toolshed-gmfcrDITxyK folder, if that's where its supposed to be? Is there some setting for database tmp folder cache for tools? Thanks for tips ... Damion