Hi all, Recently I started 2 local galaxy servers on an internal Linux PC. I noticed that the main WSGI process uses a lot of CPU time - see the output of ps command below: $ ps aux | head -1 & ps aux | grep wsgi [1] 5293 USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND galaxy 26685 59.6 0.3 457332 125224 ? Sl Sep14 34447:36 python ./scripts/paster.py serve universe_wsgi.ini --daemon galaxy 19346 38.9 1.9 1098388 634772 ? Sl Oct17 4451:59 python ./scripts/paster.py serve universe_wsgi.ini --daemon
From this output, the first galaxy process used 59% of the CPU time in the recent month, it is 34447 minutes!
The second process used 39% in the recent days. Also the top command returns similar results: both galaxy server use more than 90% of CPU time, even if nobody is accessing galaxy. Is this normal? Do you have the same %CPU in ps command? Can this be configured/minimized somehow? Why is the CPU usage so high, if nothing happens? Is this a feature of WSGI? Sebastian ****************************************** Sebastian Sośnik FQS Poland 30-538 Krakow, ul. Parkowa 11 URL: http://www.fqs.pl Tel. (+48 12) 429 43 45 Mobile (+48) 608500161 Fax. (+48 12) 429 61 24 ******************************************