When the user_library_import_dir is set in universe_wsgi.ini, it enables non-admin users to import a directory of files into a data library as long as there is a subdirectory named the same as the non-admin user's Galaxy account contained within the configured directory.
gvk:~/workspaces_2008/central_051111/test-data/users gvk$ ll
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 4 gvk gvk 136 May 5 13:57 .
drwxr-xr-x 1090 gvk gvk 37060 Sep 9 16:01 ..
Since non-admin users can only upload files to a data library if they have permission to do so, an admin user must set the LIBRARY_ADD permission on a data library in order for any non-admin users to be able to upload to it. For example, assume the admin user gave the LIBRARY_ADD permission on the data library named Library1 to the user
test1@bx.psu.edu as follows:
The, when the user
test1@bx.psu.edu logged into Galaxy, and selected the "Data Libraries" option from the top Galaxy menu's "Shared Data" pop-up menu, they would see the list of data libraries to which they have access.
When they click on the data library, they'll see a button ;abel;ed "Add datasets" since they have been granted the LIBRARY_ADD permission on the data library.
Clicking the "Add datasets" button will display the "Upload file to a data library" page. Since the configuration described above exists, they will have the option to "Upload a directory of files" by selecting that option from the "Upload option" select field.